Ninja Warrior Classes

We offer classes for everyone in the family. From toddlers to teens to grandparents, everyone has an opportunity to take part in ONA’s instruction. Read below for more details or skip straight to the calendar to book your visit now!

Buy 1st class, get 2nd class FREE!


Buy 1st class, get 2nd class FREE! 〰️

Exciting news!! For those that are booking their first class at ONA, we’ve got a sweet deal! We’re going to give you a second class at no extra charge!

No catch. All you have to do is come up to the Staff Desk after your first class and ask one of our staff members to add a free class to your account. That’s it! Voila! All done! Now you can come and take another class for free!

For those of you looking for the details…. You must book AND attend a CLASS (this deal doesn’t apply to Open Gym passes) and you must request the extra pass from a staff member in person while in the gym on the day of your first class in order for it to be applied to your account. This pass can only be used for the same person that took the first class (not transferable to siblings, friends, cousins, pets, stuffed animals or imaginary friends). Oh, and you have to have fun! That’s it. No more details or fine print!

Kids completing balance obstacle

Just like the TV show. Except our offerings are more than once a week! If you’re looking for a new workout for yourself or your child, ninja warrior is guaranteed to never get stale. With new obstacles and challenges regularly, the monotony of the gym doesn’t apply to ONA.

Kids classes are offered for kids starting at age 6 (for any younger ninjas, check out Ninja Minis on the main menu grid). We have dedicated weekly classes for teens and nightly adult classes as well.

Our coaches have years of experience in the sport (most have been on the American Ninja Warrior TV show) and are active competitors in the sport. If you’re looking to learn from the best, you’re in great hands with the staff at ONA.

To check out specific times and offerings, visit our calendar.